Posted by : Unknown Sunday, March 17, 2013

Come, Come again !
Whatever you are...
Whether you are infidel,
idolater or fireworshipper.
Whether you have broken your vows
of repentance a hundred times
This is not the gate of despair,
This is the gate of hope.
Come, come again...


Mevlana, a Turkish theosophic philiosopher. He accepts everyone, does not discriminate, and is known by his honesty. I am not sure what his thoughts would be about "Christiania" but, our guide in "Christiania" says just the same things as Mevlana did. He says that in Christiania they accept everyone, doesn’t matter who he is, where he comes from or what he does.

Christiania is a part of Copenhagen situated in the middle of the city. Some says “the freed place" some says "a disgrace city" and some thinks it’s the center of narcotic.

The area was occupied by the hippies in 70's, right after the military sources left the area. The reason to move to the area was the hippies’ opposition to the government of Denmark and its law, which they claimed that it wasn’t fair. Since the early 70's the area is administrated by the hippies. Today the area is the definition of the word "athwart". The soft drugs are allowed, people do not pay any taxes to the Danish government, and the sprit of hippiness still exists in the area. Moreover, Christiania hosts art centers and concert halls, which makes the area more attractive and keeps it lively. There are also some shops and art ateliers where you can actually find really interesting and unique things.  Especially the Christiania Bikes are known by every Dane. Denmark is a bicycle land. Even the parliament members bike to the parliament. Hippies of Christiania produce really unique and good looking bikes to Danes.

Recycling is important!

While going around Christiania, you can easily see many houses that are built by using only recycled materials. Christianians give a big importance to recycling. They recycle almost everything. When the houses are built by recycled materials, and when the architects are also from Christiania, the result is a "athwart" architecture. Every house in the area has its own hippish style.

Want to stay in Christiania??

You have to come to Denmark first. Then it is only two stops from the central station. Christianians welcome everyone in their area. They call it "the free country of Christiania". They also like to have new people living in the area. Right know the population of Christiania is 1000. If you want to live in the area or stay in Christiania, while you are in Copenhagen, you have to apply for a room to stay from their webside . 

The area of Christiania

Banana House

Everything that is built in Christiania is from the recycled products. Christianians recycle their wastes and produce new environment-friendly products. The houses that are built in Christiania are all built by using the recycled products. As this is a free-land, the style of the houses has a free-style too. Recycled materials, combines with the vast imagination of Christianians at the end we experience a totally different architectural trend.


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