Posted by : Unknown Sunday, July 28, 2013

A different way of designing a clock, QLOCKTWO by Bierkert & Funk. In stead of using digits why not words?
Don't we say "it is half past eight" anyways? Then there is no problem to read it immediately from a clock...
The german design- watches QLOCKTWO offers us a great opportunity to make our living space more perfect and give another angle to our habits.
They basically designed three kind of clocks. One of them is a clock that you can hang on the wall in your living room, which is named as QLOCKTWO-Classic. The other one is QLOCKTWO-Touch, which is a table clock with an alarm function. And the last one comes with you wherever you go. It is a wrist watch that 110 letters. The name of the product is QLOCKTWO-W.

QLOCKTWO has also been awarded the international interior innovation award.
QLOCKTWO is also available on apple and android store specialized for you smartphone.

No Hands. No digits

Touch it. Love it.

Time display stages the moment


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